Elements of The Approach & FAQ

  • “Somatic Experiencing® is a body-oriented therapeutic model that helps heal trauma and other stress disorders. Developed by Peter Levine, Ph.D., it is the result of the multidisciplinary study of stress physiology, psychology, ethology, biology, neuroscience, indigenous healing practices, and medical biophysics, with more than 45 years of successful clinical application.” Madison is a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner with a decade of mentorship and experience. See more at www.traumahealing.org

  • Joy, beauty, and carving a new path in our lives for expression creates a force great than our struggles to carry us out of trauma, and into choice. Each of us hold unique gifts waiting to be supported in unfolding. As shame and perfectionism lift, the creative groundwaters bubble up to nourish us and the world around us.

  • Symptoms of ADHD can occur as a trauma or stress response, when we do not feel comfortable settling in the present moment. A combination of releasing “flight energy” in the nervous system and working to reorganize our time management mindset, we release addiction to overwhelm and learn a state of flow where there was once procrastination, distraction, or avoidance.

  • Based in the newest research of attachment theory, Radiant Somatics approach sets us up for a deep unconditional connection to self, that is balanced with availability and connection to others as equally essential. Whether we are healing from past hurts, growing through partnership, navigating non-mongamy, or supporting social anxiety, it’s all important and welcome.

  • If you are already working in a creative field with an audience, we can use somatics to manage overwhelm, create energetic organization, and make room for your authentic self to feel safe in your private life.

  • Madison is a queer practitioner that welcomes all identities. She studied under transgender somatic therapists and continues to do research and be mentored to support this experience, as there are limited practitioners available at this time to serve as many that wish to benefit from it.

  • Sessions are followed with notes to your phone or email, so you can continue to practice your new “muscle memory” of being between sessions. After we have worked together for a while, Madison can draw out a “Trauma-Map” to define how your nervous system is responding to the past, and the path that feels best to you to move forward. This is something you can turn back to in difficult moments to reconnect with your true self and deepen the healing process.

  • We work with literal, visceral sensations of the body as our guide, using the anchor of “I’m here and I’m safe” as a North Star. Whether you are familiar with embodiment practices or feel mostly numb and dissociated, we start exactly where we are in acceptance and curiosity. You are. the expert of your body and we never push through limitations, but rather, support natural unraveling.

  • For the feelers, the ragers, the grievers. With Radiant Somatics we learn to hold, express, and regulate our experience to give us a greater capacity to handle the inevitable ups & downs of life. We use mindfulness to create boundaries and filters to clarify our place in the world without losing touch with purpose or empathy.

  • Restoring a spiritual connection and finding resource and tools on this level is optional, and can be immensely supportive.

    Expanding our healing work to ancestral layers can give answers to how we experience our lives and who we are today.

  • This work is holistic is the sense that no part is considered broken or wrong. We work to integrate all our reactions and behaviors as intelligent response. We work with the body to allow its natural reorganization toward health and aliveness.


  • Somatic Experiencing® is a process of trauma-resolution that uses body mindfulness. Creative coaching helps one to break through current barriers to start living now. Radiant Somatics is Madison’s unique approach.

  • It may begin like talk therapy, but slowly we begin to practice somatic exercises to resolve fight, flight, freeze and fawn energy, connect with ourselves and our true desires, and then brainstorm about how this can be integrated into daily life.

  • From caretakers to creatives, this work serves sensitive caring people who feel bogged down by the world & desire to step into who they are meant to be beyond the circumstances of the past.

  • Each session is $150-$200 paid via Stripe within a day.

  • 2-4 sessions a month for the first three months to build familiarity and rhythm, and then we can create a custom path based on each individual. Some stay until they reach a milestone of healing, some stay indefinitely for support and maintenance.

  • All sessions are virtual, over zoom or facetime.

  • Therapists manage mental illnesses and diagnoses, coaches do not. Many people who have done therapy for a period significant of time and feel they have “told their story” enough find this work to be satisfying due to its tangible solution and practice-based nature. As your practitioner I am committed to moving us toward something new happening when we are stuck in a story.

  • If you cannot make a session at short notice, we can try to find a replacement time within the same week as an alternative option. If a session is cancelled within 24 hours and there is no other time that works, the full fee is due.