Madison’s path to being a practitioner began with her own experience of healing trauma. Her spirit was buried in her childhood under the toxicity of an addict parent, shame about her ethnicity, and programming to be the caretaker at the cost of her own well-being and boundaries. This had been a family pattern for several generations. From that foundation, she went into the world to find soul-draining relationships, debilitating self-doubt and emotional pain. Through a combination of plant medicine, Somatic Experiencing, academia, the 12 steps, elders and mentorship, Madison was restored to her true knowing and creative energy. Her gift is to see the true essence of her clients and then offer tools to expand their capacity to embody who they were meant to be beyond the circumstances of the past, with a radical, queer, anti-racist, feminist lens. She is an artist, writer, and big sister based out of Lisbon, Portugal.