
  • Somatic Experiencing Practitioner @ The Trauma Institute - 3 years of training and supervision at beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels, 10 years of mentorship.

  • Peter Levine - Sexual Trauma Master Class

  • Embodied Sexuality - Ariel Giaretto

  • Decolonizing Somatics - Amber McZeal

  • Cultural Somatics - Resmaa Manakem

  • Certified Holistic Time Management Practitioner

  • The Diamond Approach, Somatic & Spirit Integration - A.H. Almaas

  • Generative Somatics, Oakland - Embodied Leadership

  • Relational Rupture & Repair - Dave Berger

  • Money & the Nervous System -  Kimberly Anne Johnson

  • Mentored under the late Jen Rothman, MA PhD SEP 2013-2018

  • Shipibo Tribe Shamanic Initiation, Iquitos, Peru 2013

  • Shakti Naam Yoga Teacher 500hr YTT

  • Healing Shame - Sheila Rubin and Bret Lyon

  • Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families

  • BA Mills College, Sociology & Ethnic Studies

  • Girls of Color & Trauma with Dr. Connie Wun

  • Resident Somatic Coach for Survivors of Trafficking and Domestic Abuse at non-profit Annie Cannons 2020-2022

Madison is gifted with a depth of innate understanding into the nature of the human psyche and soul. Her powerful and attuned presence and skill in navigating complex layers of experience and the nervous system are incredible assets as a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner and healer. I am always happy to refer clients to her and trust they are well guided in her care.”

-Jillian Beckham, M.A.,Transpersonal Counseling Psychology, Naropa University