Somatic Summer Business Retreat


Take your business on a vacation to a wild beach on the coast of Portugal to relax, unwind, and re-vision with friends… energetically ; )

Although this gathering will take place online, it is infused with the lush trust and slowness of a long day of being in the sun and sea, loving being in our bodies, laughing with friends, sharing fruits, and wondering under the stars why we get so worried and stressed sometimes.

Instead of our approach being a result of the urgency economy, multi-level marketing manipulation, icky dopamine schemes and sales tricks to get clicks, we will leave with a framework for business rooted in ancient wisdom, healing culture, embodiment, art, and real human connection that will set us on a path of true confidence in our purpose that grows in alignment with financial wealth & security.

Old Shape:

Hoping to have one breakthrough or answer so things will change once and for all

Feeling heavy and like your passion has become a chore

“If I could just get a new better plan / website / offer / copy / brand”

Comparing to other people, doubting self

SO many ideas and very little action

Being frozen, or unsure where to begin

ADHD / avoidance

Leaning forward, clenching, tensing, not breathing.

Believing you need to charge more money than you’re comfortable with, or not making enough to relax. 

New Shape:

Inner fountain of inspiration and motivation is ever-flowing

Gentle consistent creation aligned with the values in your heart and mind

Only focused on yourself and being pleasantly inspired by others

Centered in body; supported, leaning back, breathing deep into our bellies, gentle smile and excitement

Consistent in relationship to your purpose

Understanding of your nervous system’s role in business

Tools for sustainable expansion

Money is comfortable in the asking and the receiving

Wealth is easy & growing in relation to your capacity

Who is this for?

Creatives on their own path, practitioners, teachers, coaches and therapists (new or established) who want to un-ick their marketing and bring in more clients / income, someone switching careers/interests, anyone who has a lot to share but feels inhibited by ADHD / neurodivergence, writers trying to get more regular in sharing, anyone launching anything, & you, if you’re curious :)

Do not have imposter syndrome if something is tingling in you!

We will meet for two hours each week on zoom, the first part will be receiving guided somatic practices together and learning tools to take home, then Madison will take questions. At the end we will gather for integration and you can bring any remaining business inquiries.

Earlybird until August 2nd:

$400 or two payments of $200

After August 2nd $600

2 hours per week on Thursdays


9:30-11:30 PST

12:30-2:30 EST

5:30-7:30 GMT+1


August 8, 15, 22, 29

Optional Integration Hangout Sunday Sept 1st, same time

Join Us!
