R a d i a n t S o m a t i c s




Proven Effective Process to Move On From Trauma and Find Joy.

Expert, Highly-Attuned Guidance with someone real and kind, with your gut feelings as our lead.

Personalized notes & tools for integration between sessions.

Feel lighter, more capable, like you have choice and can actually DO something about it with simple steps. 

☼ Step more fully into who you were born to be, or unbury creative dreams as we shed the perceptions of others and our internal doubts.

☼ End the search for a fix or a breakthrough and arrive in the deep satisfaction you’ve been searching for, letting your life blossom organically through the wisdom of your body & soul.

“I've grown into my own space. I feel big and powerful, but light. The difference from 2 months ago small, concave, in pain—to now feeling expansive, sunny, and at ease -is one I feel like shouting my gratitude from the rooftops for. These are tools I'll be taking with me forward, and changes I am already embodying and rejoicing in. “

-C, Private Client

"Madison guided me through the deepest heartache of my life. She revived me in moments I was at a complete loss and lead me back to my intuition while helping me strengthen my belief in myself. The guided visualizations and integration of the somatic element added depth and translated my realizations into a physical experience that stayed present with long after our sessions"

-S, private client

"Madison is a wise, supportive and deeply conscientious healer. Her somatic work has been immensely grounding and healing and she brings a high level of professionalism and care to her work. I feel confident recommending Madison to friends and loved ones of any gender identity or sexual orientation, with any kind of trauma."

-L, Private Client

“I have received more from my work with Madison than I have with any licensed therapist. Working with someone who is truly trauma-informed has made a tremendous difference in my healing and I have felt my nervous system shift in deep and lasting ways. Madison is truly a master at their craft and holds a gentle yet very grounded space that I would wholeheartedly recommend .”

-R, private client

What People Are Saying

"I have noticed a huge difference in my body/mind in the short time I've worked with Madison. I'd been in talk therapy for over a year, and even tried medication, but seriously, in just three sessions with Madison I have gained such insight and connection with my body in a way I've been desiring for so long. They've tailored our exercises to my career and passion, music and performance, which has been immensely helpful to me on and off the stage. She's also been helpful with other more traumatic events, giving me tools to move past them without the agony of having to relive negative experiences like I would in talk therapy. It's fucking awesome. I appreciate Madison's acceptance and attention to detail. I am so excited to keep working with them, and I highly recommend Madison's services.”

-A, private client

Your empowerment

is good for the world.